Take Your Child To See An Eye Doctor If He Or She Covers One Eye When Reading Or Doing Homework


Your child may have convergence insufficiency if you notice they cover one of their eyes when reading or doing homework. Fortunately, convergence insufficiency can be corrected through vision therapy. Here's what you need to know. 

What is convergence insufficiency?

Convergence insufficiency causes double vision. It occurs when the eyes do not work together as they should when focusing on something, particularly on small objects or areas that require nearsightedness, such as when reading a book or when doing homework. When the eyes do not work in tandem, it can cause one eye to drift. This causes your child to have double vision. 

Why hasn't the pediatrician or school nurse found it before? 

Part of the regular checkups your child gets from the pediatrician includes a basic eye exam. Your child's school nurse may also conduct an annual vision screening. However, these eye exams do not check for abnormalities such as convergence insufficiency. The pediatrician's and school nurse's eye exams only check for visual acuity. You will need to see an eye doctor for an eye exam to diagnose convergence insufficiency.

What types of tests determine if convergence insufficiency is a problem? 

Tests to determine whether or not there is a convergence insufficiency includes testing of focusing, binocular vision, tracking, and eye teaming. An optometrist is an eye doctor who can conduct these tests. However, if your child also has headaches or other vision problems, an appointment with the pediatrician may be necessary to determine if there is any medical condition causing the eye problem, such as Chiari malformation or childhood diabetes. 

What type of treatment helps? 

Treatment for convergence insufficiency is done with vision therapy, which is a series of eye exercises that will help train the eyes to work together. This type of treatment is considered a cure. It's important for your child to be cured of convergence insufficiency because, if they are not, the condition can lead to suppression. Suppression occurs when the weak eye shuts down altogether due to the body determining it is no longer needed. This could result in a lack of depth perception and lazy eye. 

Your child may also be prescribed prismatic eyeglasses to help them avoid experiencing double vision on a daily basis. However, prismatic eyeglasses are not considered a cure as they do not train the eyes to work together when the eyeglasses are not worn. An optometrist or ophthalmologist can prescribe prismatic eyeglasses and teach your child exercises to strengthen their eyes and eye muscles on a regular basis at home and at school, if necessary. 


1 March 2017

Taking Your Child To The Optometrist

When it comes to parenting, taking care of your kids can feel like a daily guessing game. You might wonder why your child is acting so fussy, only to figure out a few days later that they are suffering from a cold. Unfortunately, the symptoms of poor vision can be even more difficult to notice, which is why taking your child to an optometrist is so crucial. This blog is all about noticing the signs of eye problems and taking your child to the eye doctor right away. By paying attention and being proactive about eye problems, you can keep your child healthy and happy.