Are Contact Lenses Right For You?


Contact lenses provide a little more freedom than glasses do. They still help you to see, just like your glasses do, but your face gets to be the center of attention instead of your glasses. Contact lenses can be worn by just about anyone, but they may not be right for you. Read below for information about contact lenses to see if they are right for you as well as tips on how to care for your lenses.

What Type Of Vision Do You Have?

The type of vision issue you have may hinder your ability to wear contact lenses. If you have had a previous eye surgery, or some type of eye injury, contact lenses may not be right for you.

How Old Are You?

Children that aren't yet responsible enough for contact lenses should not wear contacts. Contact lenses require proper care and use, which some children or even teenagers aren't yet responsible enough for these. Your optometrist may suggest waiting until you are a little older if you're on the young side.

What Type Of Work Do You Do?

The type of job you have could be a factor in wearing contact lenses. If you work around chemicals or around anything that could get into your eyes, contact lenses may not be right for you (at least while you're at work). You should stick with glasses or prescription safety glasses to protect your eyes while also being able to see. If something were to get into your eyes while you had your contacts in, it could injure your eye and your lenses.

Are You OK With Close Contact With Your Eyes?

Some people may not feel comfortable with getting so close to their own eyes. If you don't think you can touch your eyes in order to get your contact lenses in properly, contacts may not be for you. It does take some time to get it just right and may take a few times in order to get your contacts into your eyes, but you'll get it eventually.

Contact Lens Care Tips

If you think you're ready for contact lenses, you need to care for the lenses properly and wear them as instructed. These are just a few lens care tips

  • Wear your lenses as instructed. Do not over-wear your lenses. If the instructions say they should be changed weekly, change them weekly.
  • Clean your lenses daily before putting them into your eyes and each time you take them out.
  • Clean the lens case each and every day, changing the solution inside the case whenever you put your lenses into it. Also change this lens case every month.
  • Never sleep in your lenses, unless your lenses are made to sleep in. Sleeping in your lenses can cause eye infections.
  • Use wetting drops during the day to prevent dry eyes and dry lenses. 

Contact lenses should be worn properly and may not be for everyone. Talk to your optometrist to see if you can wear contact lenses.


4 April 2018

Taking Your Child To The Optometrist

When it comes to parenting, taking care of your kids can feel like a daily guessing game. You might wonder why your child is acting so fussy, only to figure out a few days later that they are suffering from a cold. Unfortunately, the symptoms of poor vision can be even more difficult to notice, which is why taking your child to an optometrist is so crucial. This blog is all about noticing the signs of eye problems and taking your child to the eye doctor right away. By paying attention and being proactive about eye problems, you can keep your child healthy and happy.