How To Keep Vision Care Costs Low When You Don't Have Insurance


Some health insurance plans don't include vision coverage. If you find yourself without vision coverage, you still need to take proper care of your eyes. Here are four tips to help you keep your vision care costs low when you don't have insurance and money is tight:

1. Keep your yearly eye doctor appointment.

It's important to visit your optometrist for an eye exam every year. People who wear vision aids will need their prescription updated, but even people with perfect sight should attend this annual appointment. Your optometrist will perform a variety of tests to check the overall health of your eyes. This screening process can identify eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts so they can be properly treated. Even if money is tight, you shouldn't skip this annual checkup. Catching eye problems when they're small is the best way to save yourself money in the long run.

2. Ask for a contact lens and glasses prescription.

Even if you usually wear one or the other, it's a good idea to ask for both a contact lens and glasses prescription while you're at the optometrist's office. Contact wearers should have a pair of glasses around in case they lose or tear their contacts, and those who ordinarily wear glasses may want a pair of contacts for a special event. Although your vision is the same, the prescriptions for glasses and contacts are slightly different, with different information. Asking for both prescriptions at your next eye exam can save you the trouble of needing to return for a second prescription before your next annual appointment.

3. Keep your old glasses.

If you primarily use your glasses as a backup for days when your eyes are too irritated for contacts, you may not need to purchase a new pair every year. Even if your prescription changes slightly, wearing an older prescription often won't bother people unless their vision worsens significantly. Especially if you only wear your glasses around the house at night, a slight loss in vision clarity probably won't hinder you. Hanging onto your old glasses for an extra year or two is a smart way to save money.

4. Purchase your vision aids online.

If you need glasses and contacts, you can find great deals on these vision aids online. As long as you make your purchases from a reputable company, buying glasses and contacts from the internet is perfectly safe. You will likely be able to find better deals online than you will in a physical store. Compare the prices of various websites to find the best deal.


30 September 2019

Taking Your Child To The Optometrist

When it comes to parenting, taking care of your kids can feel like a daily guessing game. You might wonder why your child is acting so fussy, only to figure out a few days later that they are suffering from a cold. Unfortunately, the symptoms of poor vision can be even more difficult to notice, which is why taking your child to an optometrist is so crucial. This blog is all about noticing the signs of eye problems and taking your child to the eye doctor right away. By paying attention and being proactive about eye problems, you can keep your child healthy and happy.