Key Issues Your Optometrist Looks For During An Eye Exam


When you go to an eye exam, you likely know a little bit about what to expect. For example, you know they will check your vision, both for distance and for reading. You also know they will test for glaucoma. What you may not know is the optometrist is also checking for other issues as well. Here are a few of those issues, what they are, and how the optometrist may check for these issues during an eye exam.  

Refractive Problems and Issues 

If you have refractive issues with your eyes, you are likely seeing things as a blur. The blur can seem like a smudge across your vision or can be more significant. Your optometrist will check for this by looking at your eye through a magnifier. The optometrist is looking for the shape of your eye. If your eye is misshapen, it can lead to a refractive issue. A slope or some other misshapen issue may start off small with a slight blur and grow over time. If this is found during your eye exam, you will be told and the corrective options will be discussed. 


One of the most common eye issues is called astigmatism. This is a form of refractive issue with your eye. This issue is slightly different as it affects the front lens of the eye rather than the entire eye shape. If the front lens of the eye is curved differently, you may find out that you have astigmatism. This can cause a blur or cause more significant issues with your vision. In many cases, astigmatism can be treated with LASIK surgery or corrective lenses. 


Myopia is an eye issue that leads to a loss of farsightedness. You can see things close up, like labels or small print books, but items that are further away are difficult to see. Sometimes there is a blur, however, it is more common for someone with myopia to be unable to see at far distances at all. Your optometry professional can check for this by viewing the eye as well as by considering the answers you give to your vision test. 

If you are concerned about certain eye issues because of a family history or medically connected issue, talk to your optometrist. They can check for the issues you are concerned with if those are not already being tested. They can also answer questions about other eye issues you are having such as dry eye or allergy irritation during allergy season. 


19 April 2023

Taking Your Child To The Optometrist

When it comes to parenting, taking care of your kids can feel like a daily guessing game. You might wonder why your child is acting so fussy, only to figure out a few days later that they are suffering from a cold. Unfortunately, the symptoms of poor vision can be even more difficult to notice, which is why taking your child to an optometrist is so crucial. This blog is all about noticing the signs of eye problems and taking your child to the eye doctor right away. By paying attention and being proactive about eye problems, you can keep your child healthy and happy.